Patterns of Wonder: Spanish Read Alouds
“Patterns of Wonder” is a book written by Whitney La Rocca and Jeff Anderson. It’s a guide to teach students in grades K-1 about author’s craft. It is a wonderful resource with amazing picture book recommendations to model each lesson. Unfortunately, the book does not give examples of mentor books in Spanish.
Here you will find links to the Spanish edition of the books on Amazon that I have found in Spanish. Please note that as an Amazon Affiliate, I will get a small percentage of the sale. Thank you for your support, and happy reading!
It is quite a long list of books, and I am trying to update the list of chapters/books as fast as I can. Once I am done, I will review the list every January (you never know when more books will be available in Spanish in the future).
Last Update: October 20, 2024
Part 1: Squiggles
Books in English
Books in Spanish
Lesson 1.1
Making your mark: Use marks to record language
- Un cuento de garabatos por Andrew Larsen (only available as an HMH adoption book)
- Accidente! por Andrea Tsurumi
- N/A
- N/A
Lesson 1. 2
What could you say? Use words to make sentences
Lesson 1.3
Shake a book and nouns fall out: Nouns show people, places and things
None of these books are available in Spanish.
Lesson 1.4
We nail verbs: Verbs show what’s happening
Lesson 1.5
What color is the sky? Adjectives tell what kind
Lesson 1.6
You can count on me. Adjectives tell how many
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- La oruga muy hambrienta por Eric Carle